Thursday, December 1, 2011


Me and my big mouth are still deep in thought about the whole novel thing. It's as if I couldn't function properly in real life until I sorted out all of the concepts I need.

Am I taking this thing a little too seriously? Maybe... *sigh* Maybe. But at least I value my passion for the arts. Ever heard of people who would die for their art? Those who would eventually go crazy as their whole world gets swallowed by their own creation. I can think of God as one of those people.

But back to the novel, I feel better and more reassured in its completion if it were something I could relate to. One of the tactics I have tried employing is living out the novel; living out my character so I would know how it feels like.

As days passed, I realized how much my novel resembles my life. It's going to be something like a journal or diary. Yes, it will be based on real people in my life. Yes, it is still fiction. Yes, I am still thinking about it.

It has gone to the point where I would forget things almost instantly; forgetting to use shampoo, using shampoo twice due to paranoia in forgetting to use it, need I say more? I have also been growing numb to my environment; staring blindly into space while walking, failing to recognize anyone who passes, seeing things, dreaming things, killing things with my mind. It's all so surreal.

Blue Hour must be made.