Thursday, September 22, 2011

Deafeningly Silent

Me and my big mouth are back fronting the overly underrated self-titled blog. Antonyms aside, how am I doing? The answer lies in the title and stands out so much, it's overstood. Is that understood?

Fine, I'll stop. Anyway, I've been silent, blog-wise, life-wise, likewise. I'm just busy. With what you ask? (I just love pretending you guys care.) (I just love addressing an imaginary audience.) (I just love side-quotes.) (Okay, too much parentheses!) "I just love self-contradictions..." "Apparently, you can never have too much love (otherwise it'll become obsession)." "Obsession is the worst thing that can happen to a guy in love. - My cousin" "Wait, can I use another person's quote as a side-quote?" "I got an idea. Maybe if I type it this way..."

" "Obsession is the worst thing that can happen to a guy in love." - My cousin "

"Technically, it's still a side-quote... but an original quote at the same time." "Okay too much quotation marks!" [Hmmm... that's better...] [Oh no...] [I think I have overused ellipses as well...] [By ellipses, I mean the three consecutive dots of uncertainty and "to-be-continudity," not the ovals.] [For those who are green, "to-be continuedness" Happy?] [Addressing with the imaginary audience again.] [Something doesn't feel right.] [It's like I forgot something.] [Oh yeah, what am I busy with you ask?] [I bet you thought I was gonna say that there were too much brackets.] [I also bet you were gonna say that I somehow defied all known laws of side-quoting.] {If there is such a thing...} {No, I did not see what I just did there.} {This is all completely impromptu and spontaneous.} {I was typing this as I thought it out.} (Yeah... either I'm lying or I lied.) (The truth is... I lied, that means I'm telling the truth right now.)

So what the fuck does this what-the-fuckery made by this what-the-fuck!er such as myself mean?

This just proves my points...

1. That I am deafeningly silent. I didn't speak... nor did I make any sound. But saying this blog post alone was deafening is an understatement. It is understatementingly deafening.

2. Antonyms and juxtapositions are cool.

3. All punctuation marks have the right to be used.

4. Too much of anything is bad.

5. "Obsession is the worst thing that can happen to a guy in love." - My cousin

6. Redundancy, repetition, self-contradiction, uncertainty, foul language, and especially bad grammar are things anyone should avoid. I only choose to embrace their unrealized potential. (Avant-garde/Non-conformist much?)

7. I have the right to be this random after months of not blogging. Consider this to be me and my big mouth UNLEASHED!

8. 7 is a lucky number for me but I needed one more number to say this statement. Damn it!

9. You'll never know what I was busy with!

- schoolwork. Happy now?

Plus, 9 is also my lucky number! I have this issue with ending my points in my lucky number. Would it make more sense if I said that all numbers for me are lucky? Well, except 666 and 13. (Superstitious much?)