Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Blog Format

<insert title fulfilling one or more of the following conditions>
(Condition_1: Two words with the same first letter,
Condition_2: Words that rhyme; better if Condition 1 is also satisfied
Condition_3: A cleverly recycled, already-used phrase; a modified cliche)
Me and my big mouth... (insert catchy wordplay and puns for a greeting).
*Optional - (insert sincere apologies in case of long delays between blog posts)
*Optional - Post a picture relevant to the subject at hand.>
<The actual intro of the topic starts... {usually comprised of witty banters and sarcastic remarks about the negatives of the world we live in [mostly due to society... and every other aspect that falls into place (government, religion, philosophy, love, and all that shizz].}>

<Supporting points that are enumerated in a redundant err... I mean, repetitive... fashion to emphasize the topic at hand. (Mostly to prove that I am 100% right and to appear that I know more than everyone else.)

*Do not mind the crossed out side-quote. Admit it. We all want to know more about the world... doesn't mean that all we know about the world is right. But come on, is being right to others all we care about? Can't we be right to ourselves and be at peace with it? Hmmm...

*The supporting points are not joined in one paragraph... That's just boring. That's why they are called POINTS. If necessary, one point can have a paragraph each but never all points in one paragraph. Hey, I know stuff... but that don't mean I wanna put it out in a way only I can understand. The true genius is understood by everyone. There are always gonna be exceptions to this saying though. Trust me, I've been there...>
<Wait, what happended to the rest of the <br/>'s?>
<Final words are typed to appropriately close the blog post. This includes the summary, realization, and the AHA! moment usually in a satirical manner. (Along with the clever wordplay.)

*Even randomness has a form of organization. It's just a matter of finding where the smooth transition is, in the lines that are blurred.

*I just love how this format starts all algorithmic and slowly becomes more human with all the side-quotes, self-contradictions, and errors.>

FYI <br/> is a line break. It is the programming language equivalent for the ENTER key. It feels good, doesn't it... Your welcome. I know it's supposed to be "You're welcome"... but I ran out of clever wordplay. Satirical, ain't it?

P.S: I forgot to mention "Me and my big mouth" in the end...  Damn it!

P.P.S: OH YEAH, I also forgot to insert  </end>

Saturday, July 23, 2011

It's Funny...

Me and my big mouth LOL! Laughter is worth a thousand breaths... 'coz it actually is. You force your lungs to inhale and exhale faster to produce the abrupt HA! in your HAHAHAHAHA!

It's funny when you laugh at all the wrong things... for all the right reasons.

It's funny when you laugh at your own mistakes... knowing you will always have the last laugh over them.

It's funny when you think your mistakes can laugh... for they only laugh at you when you're not looking.

It's funny when your laugh doesn't match your physique... because you defied all known laws of stereotypes.

It's funny when you find out that laughing increases your life span by about 7 seconds per laugh.

It's funny when you wonder how to measure a "laugh" to calculate how much more life you have to laugh at.

It's funny when you laugh at life... 'coz you're supposed to laugh with it.

It's funny when you find out that cigarettes do the exact same thing... only in reverse.

It's funny when you believe everything you read.

It's funny when you take advantage of the placebo effect to use what you read to your advantage.

It's funny when you realize how redundant "the exact same" is.

It's funny when anarchy introduces itself... and peace is too peaceful to do anything about it.

It's funny when any random person reading this would consider me the next candidate for "The Joker."

It's funny when everybody's so serious... because they're afraid to be laughed at.

It's funny when we laugh to lighten the mood... because we're trying too hard. We laugh to celebrate spontaneous happiness.

It's funny when you make a joke only you can laugh at... because jokes are meant to put a smile on your face before anyone else's.

It's funny when you laugh at your prejudices, assumptions, expectations, and past mistakes... because they are all a joke.

In the sarcastic words of N.E.R.D...

"Life is but a joke, and the laugh's on you... It's funny, right?"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Different Taste In My Big Mouth

Hello there, long time no blog! Me and my big mouth are just taking in the sophomore experience. And I have got to say that I have a different taste in my big mouth. It isn't just your typical readjustment to academic, social, spiritual, philosophical, and sexual challenges. It's more than that...

It seems as I have developed the sudden feeling of being one with everything; something like a bridge between the infinite and the microscopic. Upon this sudden realization, I feel as curious as a child. Things like school appear as a socio-cultural experiment I am willing to partake in. Activities such as sex are now a celebration of love and life. The beauty of the human body itself starts to fascinate me as well. The same story goes for a leisurely stroll out in the urban jungle; feeling like an alien and an adventurer with intentions to both destroy and create. There's an endless string of questions to go with those sensations as well.

Life is best when it is balanced.

When total peace is finally achieved, will life be boring?

When total good reigns, will there be anything left to challenge us and make us stronger?

What's the use of the good if there's no evil to fight against?

It is the will of God to make us stronger by giving us problems. If He gave us these problems, does that make God the source of evil as well as the good?

Why must love be limited to a boy and a girl?

Can love be as strong (or even stronger) if it were between the same sexes?

Are humans the only creatures capable of loving?

If love is geared towards intense mutual feelings of desire despite self-sacrifice, can love for the bad exist?

If art is subjective, then does that mean everything is art? From the ugliest and most meaningless picture (breaking away from the social norms) to the most common and popular song (easily accessible and easily understood)...

Is there no such thing as "the common good" since humans will never agree on anything as a basis of something good?

Can we not exist by simply saying "We don't exist."? I mean, we gave everything a meaning, even existence...

Can we stop choosing what is good or bad, masculine or feminine, right or wrong, and just BE? We can live a satisfying life based on our own desires without knowing these things. It's just a thing called "society" that screws this aspect called "individuality."

Oh well, I guess I just have to find these out for myself... Yup, I got issues. I hope you got some too. I hope they aren't as... perfect as mine though. Anyway, g'night and happy living!