Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Debut Album - Piece of Pi

Good day to you people! Though in the midst of a heavy downpour nearing the end of summer, I am proud to say that I have finally completed a summer's worth of music in my debut album as "The Final Score" entitled "Piece of Pi," an official unofficial soundtrack based on "Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Genre? All I can tell you is that it's a soundtrack. Think of it as a guy spending hours on his laptop or PC on a music software reflecting on a book he's so inspired by while brainstorming for his "sound" in the process of making mock scores for each significant scene in the book. That was a mouthful... Anyway, my musical randomness would probably be my sound. For the meantime, I have posted links below for the tracklisting of the album. My summer as well as the book (which I highly recommend) can be best described by this album. Enjoy!

1. π (Pi's Theme 1)
2. The Piscine Molitor (Mamaji's Theme)
3. Pondicherry Zoo
4. Hinduism (Power)
5. Christianity (Sacrifice)
6. Islam (Devotion)
7. June 21, 1977
8. Sinking of the Tsimtsum
9. Hyena (The Cook's Theme)
10. Orange Juice (Mother's Theme)
11. Richard Parker (Pi's Theme 2)
12. Fear...
13. The Dream Rag (Asphyxiation)
14. The Storm
15. Mexico (Salvation)

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