Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Birthday Hater

Testing... 1, 2, 3... Is the font clear? Can you read what I'm typing? My blog, my type test.

First blog, what to type, what to type? Well, it's been 16 days past my birthday FYI. I'm not bragging nor warning you about it or anything. I'm just unhappy, that's all.

Well, of course there are many reasons why one should like one's birthday:
1. It's the day you were born.
2. It's the dang day you were born..
3. Hmmm... It's the freakin' day you were born!
(I hate stating the obvious)

That reason alone is enough to satisfy most people in this world. Unfortunately, I'm not like most people...

Why is it that a person is only allotted one time to celebrate his/her being?

Can't every day be a birthday? Can't we spend as much as a birthday (optional)?
Can't we be as happy as we do in our birthdays? Can't we feel reborn every day?

I'm not saying we should hate our birthdays, nor am I saying we should hate other people who love their birthdays. I'm just implying that we should make the most of our days. Though we were born on our birthdays, we have as much reason to celebrate every day WE LIVE.

As a reference for this topic, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's (a.k.a. Lewis Carroll) novel, "Alice in Wonderland" shows the importance of "unbirthdays." Each year we have one birthday and 364 unbirthdays! Some might think pure logic, other might have more parties, but I say, "I'm happy every day!"
So let me be the first person (hopefully) to say "Happy Unbirthday" to whosoever reads this first blog of mine, just in case it's not your birthday today.

Don't worry, more will come. For now, I'll leave you with this song from one of my fave bands, Blur.


It's my birthday
No one here day
Very strange day
I think of you day
Go outside day
Sit in park day
Watch the sky day
What a pathetic day
I don't like this day
It makes me feel too small
I don't like these days
They make me feel so small 

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